Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Karneval Tsukumo Cosplay

I haven't posted on this blog in a whiiiile. The reason being that I started a Facebook page for my cosplays, so any updates are usually posted there. I'm terrible at using social networks so I seem to allocate time into only one. My page is called JSCosplay if anyone is interested in supporting me there.

In the meantime I'll post some progress photos of my Tsukumo cosplay. I haven't read all of the manga but I watched the anime series. It's not the best show ever but it kept me entertained and I really liked some of the characters like Yogi, Tsukumo, and the Usagi.

For the corset I decided to buy one online and modify the fit/color. I'm not super happy with the paint colors but I'm getting over it

I bought SO MUCH GLITTER RIBBON AND ELASTIC I thought my head was going to implode. It's been very difficult to be 100% accurate to the manga cover because some details haven't looked good in real life and some parts are unclear/cut off:

I altered her headband and skirt so far. Here's how I made those flower armbands